Helping to build a cleaner fishing future for all water users.

NSW DPI Fisheries

Fishing-related litter poses a significant environmental threat in NSW and worldwide. NSW DPI Fisheries tasked us with creating a campaign to reduce fishing-related litter and marine debris.

Our key insight centred on the pride recreational anglers have for their fishing spots, some of the best in the world, and their desire to preserve them for future generations.

To ensure broad understanding, we developed the simple, memorable, and impactful campaign line, ‘Keep it clean.’ The word ‘it’ provides flexibility, encompassing the environment, fishing spots, behaviours, and the reputation of recreational fishers.

Six thematic messages were created, offering practical tips to minimise littering and preserve the beauty and health of NSW waterways. Themes include smarter fishing practices to reduce lost gear, leaving fishing spots cleaner than found, and promoting participation in local clean-up events.

The Keep It Clean campaign generated impressive engagement, with 2.7 million impressions and a reach of 1.4 million, through NSW DPIRD channels.

keep it clean social media

We delivered the campaign through instructional short videos, offering valuable tips and modelling positive behaviours for recreational fishers. These videos feature on the DPI website and are leveraged in targeted social media ads and shareable posts, maximising their impact. Photography from the shoot was used to bring to life a range of static social posts and, additionally, featured in a DL flyer as an offline resource to complement the digital assets.

keep it clean DPI fisheries flyer